Launch 3 phone number

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Launch 3 Museum Mission

museumWithin the next two years, Launch 3 Telecom plans to open up a museum at our facility. The museum will contain vintage, legacy and, many other phones from the past 100 years. We accept all devices such as car phones, rotary dial phones, classic wall phones and retro cell phones (yes, the block phones with the antenna coming out on top of it). Just recently, Launch 3 received a donation of an antique car phone. This is a unique opportunity to become a part of history and help a growing museum. Many people think that an old phone is worthless once they move on to the latest model. In our eyes, that is not true. We see the historical value in many of these vintage phones and want to enrich future generations about the evolution of telecommunication technology. Instead of throwing your old phone away, contribute this out-of-date technology to a worthy cause. Launch 3 is looking for contributions to expand our museum. If you want to donate, contact our team and we will send you a shipping label so you could send us your donation with no charge to you. We recommend not throwing out your old retro phones and make use of them by giving them a home at the Launch 3 Museum. When you donate your item to the Launch 3 museum it will be displayed to the public for all to see. In addition, you can be credited for your item with a banner that mentions you as a contributor to the Launch 3 Museum. Launch 3 Telecom provides new and used wireless equipment that has made phones function properly in the past, present, and future. If you are interested in donating to our museum, contact Launch 3 Telecom at 877-878-9134 or email | | 877-878-9134

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